20 January 2023

Excerpt: Secrets of Lemuria and Ancient Eieyani (2001) by E'Asha Ashayana ~ Voyagers ~ 19 January 2023

Update: Fixed link....apologies.

In this video from Voyagers channel, E'Asha Ashayana explains how Stonehenge was originally built by the Guardians as a defence mechanism to deflect energy attacks from the Anunnaki in the Parallel system.

After they took over Nibiru, this Anunnaki faction installed the Nibiruan Diadic Crystal system in 25,500 BC, causing pole shift, a misaligned orbit and reversal of Earth's Merkaba spiral. This led to numerous other reversals and distortions, resulting in our extremely mutated DNA.

These reversals also created what's called the Checkerboard Matrix which basically chopped up the energetic structure of Earth and therefore that of her inhabitants.

This video is in both English and Korean. Many thanks to the Voyager channel for adding graphics, which greatly enhanced comprehension.

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