30 October 2022

Our Sun


The following report was referenced by Solar Observer on 20 October 2022:

Will the Sun Ever Burn Out? (Space.com)

The first sentence of the article reads:

"Here's what will happen when our sun dies, billions of years from now."


This topic is one (of many) that I've been intending to write about over the past few months, but have been unable to do so until now, so I'll start with this one since Solar Observer featured this article and I read a written reference to our Sun by E'Asha Ashayana just a couple of days ago.

One of the main reasons I've not written about this topic is because my knowledge is very limited since I've only come across information about it in a sporadic and sketchy manner. They were in the form of a few fleeting references made by E'Asha in video excerpts. Another point I had to consider is that there have been numerous "upgrades and updates" in recent years as Divine Cosmic Interventions continue to escalate, so information that was given years ago may have become obsolete or irrelevant. I've been trying to form at least a coherent outline picture of this topic but I realised that may take some time so I'll just do what I can now, nudged by this Space.com article as well as E'Asha's article.

(For those who are already familiar with this "Sun-Raid", apologies in advance as I try to present this.)

Based on E'Asha's information alone and from what I understand, our beautiful Sun was attacked by the dark in March 2007 ~ the event is known as "Sun-Raid". This attack negatively impacted our Sun's Prana Seed, which effectively triggered its death cycle and initiated the gradual separation of its dark-matter energy body from its Light/Matter body. 

Our Sun will supernova not in billions of years from now, but in a few hundred years (900?), if I understand correctly (I've seen various numbers mentioned by different people, so it gets a bit confusing). 

I also finally started reading the (not-recent) updates written by E'Asha on her website, and here's something about our Sun:

"6. The Sun of our Solar System is still Bhardoah-Transition Engaged, a slow but inevitable process that will progressively generate various changes and need for adjustments on our Aurora Earth life field."

The Bhardoah cycle is considered a "completion and renewal" phase, marking the return of our beautiful Sun's essence back to its Spiritual source, albeit very much earlier than originally designed.

I also remember coming across some information from E'Asha (from 2007?) that Gamma rays are expected to increase (they are) as a result of what's happening to our Sun, but they will be attenuated through intervention by Cosmic Guardians and forces. At the same time, events pertaining to Planetary Ascension are also expected to be accelerated in view of this incident.

I hope I've made adequate sense of this topic. There is much more I intend to address but I feel it will be a couple more weeks before I can do that. Additionally, as mentioned, I am finally making my way through E'Asha's written updates on her site and many things that I've read so far have added a much-appreciated layer of information and level of understanding in relation to ~ of all things ~ my previous and current blog names.

I've found myself having an even stronger connection with our Sun since I first heard about the Sun-Raid a few months back. Admittedly, it horrified me initially, but I also realised that it was all the more reason to love our Sun even more 😊

I'd like to end with this image of our beautiful Sun, with thanks to Solar Observer once again:

Namarie & Bright Blessings! ☀️

10 October 2022

Still Chopped-Up....

The chopped-up sub-timelines phenomenon that I mentioned earlier (here) seems to be still prevalent, and I have a feeling that this will continue to be unstable while creational realities undergo their sorting and separation processes :

I heard about two such examples on the same day from different people, the first of which was when someone called me to correct what he had earlier described to me. He had previously explained something puzzling that had occurred, and a few days later called to say that apparently it did not happen that way at all. As far as I am concerned, he is as sane as the next person, and I do believe what he said prior to correcting himself. The other event was when someone was discussing a particular incident and remembered it quite differently from me. Again, a sensible logical person not given to flights of fancy.

Events just seem out of place. That's the best way for me to describe it.

Meanwhile, I've also been experiencing another phenomenon that I'm not exactly thrilled to be going through. I find it unsettling and my mind struggles to make 3D sense out of it.

It is the experiential process of a sort of dimensional bleed-through. The sense of "losing density" in the physical body and the loss of connectedness to the external reality. More specifically, the sense that the external (lower) reality is dissipating. I've felt them before now and then in previous stages, but this time the experience was very pronounced and lasted much longer. 

Again, sleep itself feels strange ~ it's as if I should not be sleeping while at the same time the physical body feels fatigued. The distinction between sleep-stage and being awake blurs even more, with the external reality feeling more dream-like than dreams. There were times when I didn't know where to plug my consciousness (or even the physical body) to remain grounded.

Now, this one gave me a revelation that essentially provided the answer and relief I was seeking. My logic told me to ground even more onto Earth Mum, which I did. The sensations just amplified. Took me a while, but I finally got it ~ Earth Mum herself has jumped up a few notches in her Ascension! This takes "grounding" to an entirely whole new level, literally. 

The clues to which I had not paid sufficient attention were the series of frequency tone shifts that occurred in rather quick succession. That should have alerted me to the fact that something significant was unfolding. All in all, it's been some weeks of fogginess and the feeling of being lost in space. Or adrift in some dimensional adjustment.

A whole range of new skill sets need to be developed when Creation Codes are re-writing and re-setting reality while we are still in it....

Namarie! 💙


06 October 2022

Transcending The Pattern Of Incomplete Ascension ~ Asur'Ana

In the previous post, I mentioned that death was not a natural process and that we were instead supposed to ascend into the next incarnation. This made me recall an article written by Asur'Ana about "incomplete Ascension" a few years ago, and here it is for those who wish to know more about the subject. In her writing, Asur'Ana also explains that death itself is an "incomplete Ascension" and clears up the misguided beliefs that abound, especially when it comes to "ascension" of sages or religious figures.

From Aligning With Earth:

Transcending The Pattern Of Incomplete Ascension

Incomplete ascension is not understood nor written about within the spiritual texts that have come forth for the human species over the past 2,000 years of human history. Those who would understand incomplete ascension would only be those humans governing or directing ascension in times past. Such spiritual leadership has long been lost on the Earth plane. It is our desire to explain what an incomplete ascension is and to bring the karma behind incomplete ascension to light so that initiates who are devoted to their path of ascension can transit in full from a third-dimensional reality into a fifth-dimensional reality in physicality.

What Is Incomplete Ascension?

There are many forms of incomplete ascension. In physiological terms, incomplete ascension is a form of ascension that ends in death rather than transiting to the next dimension in physicality. Many other authors of ascension have spoken of spiritual initiations taken in lifetimes that have concluded in the biological death of the form. Such lifetimes would be considered an incomplete ascension from the perspective of the Order of Dari. These lifetimes also will require the souls involved to return to physicality and transit such initiations and fulfill a complete ascension in order to move on into the next dimension.

(Please continue here)

05 October 2022

Cycles of Incarnations


In the chaotic morass that has defined the past three years, the topic of "death" must have easily been the biggest thought occupying most people's minds. At times, death ~ or the prevention of death ~ was all that many people could talk about, in one way or another.

Death....Isn't "Natural"

Death is not a natural phase of the Cycle of Incarnations. The original Human template was not designed for death ~ death was never a factor of "Life". We were meant to be eternal beings, going from one chosen incarnation to another, expressions of Spirit in physical form. As we fell in frequency over long eons of Time, Entropy encroached onto the Human template as more and more of our DNA became damaged, distorted or dormant. Our physical body started going through the decay process as we lost the ability to self-generate, succumbing to shorter and shorter lifespans with each generational passing. Incarnation gave way to reincarnation as Souls got trapped in this sector of the Cosmos ~ lifetime after lifetime where the Soul's evolution came to a standstill. Death had inserted itself firmly into Humanity's life cycle.

Our biological body is but an expression of our individual Spirit, with each lifetime being just one of numerous others, like a fleeting cadence in our Spirit's opus. The fragile impermanence of our physical body belies the eternal existence of our Essence. 

As the long ages of Time passed, Humanity was conditioned to accept the unnatural occurrence of death as an integral part of its life process. Given that DNA accretion on a Collective level wasn't an option for eons, death became the inevitable conclusion to a life expression. 

Until now.

With our Planet and Humanity firmly ensconced in an Ascension Cycle, Souls are finally able to resume their evolution and eventually regain Higher Consciousness states of eternal existence. That is an entire process in itself, albeit at an accelerated pace. Even then, it will be some time until we reach the stage where full Ascension is once again a natural conclusion to a physical expression, like what it was always meant to be. 

Full Ascension (when the body transforms into Light and ascends completely) is very much dependent on each individual's Ascension progress through DNA accretion and for now, this is not something that is commonly achievable. Meanwhile, the death process will still be very much a part of the equation and in that regard, may each Soul that transitions enjoy Safe Passage.


Safe Passage

May each Soul pass swiftly and safely through all transitional realms.

May each Soul be Divinely guided by its own Spirit, staying steady and sure, and never straying from the intended course.

May all relevant portals, Stargates, exits/entrances, passageways and corridors be open and accessible for the Soul's onward journey to its next phase.

May each Soul arrive at its intended destination whole, unharmed and uncompromised in any manner.

May each Soul receive the Divine assistance it requires, should such a need arise.

May each Soul be able to continue on to the next phase of its evolution, unimpeded.


Full Ascension

As Earth Mum powers on with her own much-delayed-but-now-accelerated Ascension, changes are occurring every day on several fronts. I believe that as time passes, more options will open up for Humanity to facilitate Souls in making the safe transition into the next stage, pending attainment of full Ascension capability for Humanity as a Collective.

Meanwhile, may the knowledge and guidance pertaining to full Ascension increasingly find their way to all of Humanity, notwithstanding the control system. In the coming years, may more and more individuals be able to go through full Ascension, until this once again becomes the norm for Humanity.

May the death process quickly become a distant memory of a Planetary Race that fell too far, for far too long.

Namaste & Bright Blessings! 💙


03 October 2022

Clarification: Activations & Techniques

This is a personal clarification in view of some questions that have been raised pertaining to activations, techniques, initiations, exercises etc.

Generally speaking, I do not participate in such activities, especially so after my intense personal energy cleansing in 2019. For example, in E'Asha Ashayana's website, there is a section offering free techniques and activations that she recommends. I have not done any of them, and have no intention of doing so any time soon. 

The decision to follow any activation, technique etc from any source must be made by each individual, and I neither recommend nor advise against any such activity. All I will offer is to say please use your own discretion and exercise the usual caution when deciding if you should proceed with any such activity.

Namaste & Bright Blessings! 💜

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my attention....it's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...