20 December 2021

Energy Tune-In: 20 December 2021 (Updated: 21 December 2021)

As above, so below

**Update 21 December 2021: 
I had forgotten to add....we're storming too! (Geomagnetic storm chart below)


I'll start by explaining briefly about this image above. I had placed my bracelet on the window-sill to dry in the Sun. I noticed that beautiful brilliant rays of Light were being reflected out of some of the crystals and took photos. Most unfortunately, I wasn't able to capture the exquisite essence of what I could see with my own eyes, so please do use your imagination 😄  It was like a mini-representation of our Sun, hence the title of the photo.

Back to this update. This is like an expansion of the previous two energy tune-ins ~ 7 December 2021 & 9 December 2021 ~ because the energetic "theme" is the same but on an even more amped up scale, if that's even possible. I must also mention the purging that I wrote about on 11 October 2021 & 15 November 2021, which has also been an on-going main feature since then. These already very high-impact energy signatures will continue to ratchet up even more in these final days of 2021. There's definitely way more to come.

The all-over-the-place distractedness has been particularly strong over the weekend, determinedly augmented by a high-vibing Planet and a flare-firing Sun: (update: and storming!)

Space Observing System



Again, as mentioned before, there's the sense that everything is happening and anything can happen. Alongside this is the feeling that Time is also all over the place ~ it's as if Time and Space have gone on an adventure together to a place where Time and Space have never been before. The only way I can accurately describe how I see it is like Time(lines?) is(are) stacked one on top of the other. Not "merging" or "converging", but "stacked". 

To illustrate as best as I can, something that I know full well that only takes 5 minutes to do ends up taking 30 minutes, for no apparent reason. It seems like my Bubble of Existence has become an anomalous timezone, with Time warps or ripples.

Also related to this is the feeling that sometimes, the Brain goes awol ~ probably joined Time & Space on their merry escapade. Memory becomes a fleeting wisp of mist that dissipates as soon as the next thought arrives. And yet paradoxically at other times, I'm suddenly recollecting a moment from decades ago that I had previously forgotten, or have never before thought about. I sometimes think that a Soul review of this current life is taking place and my history is being archived in data blocks as this is occurring.

I've long been an Observer of my own Life, but in 2021 this role has been so prominent to the extent that it becomes challenging to connect or relate to the outer, which grows increasingly unreal. I know that I'm not the only one with this perception as I've heard from quite a few people who are experiencing this same existence. I can't help but think it's a forced-disconnect for much of the time as the external world goes through its reality-shuffling.

I'd like to think that everything I have mentioned is connected by some sort of thread, and this includes the pressing need to zone out at certain times. It's not a bad thing if you take this opportunity to connect with your Divinity, which as some will know, is something I regularly encourage doing. I actually think that these zoning out moments are strong pokes in our sides from our Divinity for connection so It can do whatever needs to be done. One of the peculiarities of this zoning out is that this pressing need is very considerate of your situation ~ it never happens in public, when working, when driving, or when doing something that requires concentration. It happens when you are able to actually lie down without causing any harm to yourself or anyone else.

This might be the last energy tune-in for this year. As I said in the beginning, things will just continue to amplify from now until the final day of 2021.

Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💙

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