06 February 2025

Solar Activity: Follow-Up For 1&2 February 2025 and New CMEs

Taken by Dave Curtis on February 2, 2025 @ Dunedin New Zealand

Following from an earlier post about Solar Activity, the expected strong geomagnetic storms didn't arrive although there were still some stunning Auroras to be savoured, like this gorgeous formation in the image above. And with Comet C/2024 G3 ATLAS to complement the visual!

In terms of CMEs in the past few days, there were plenty to be seen and Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol had some fascinating images to show, like the ones below highlighting this enormous filament that resulted due to strong Solar winds:

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

 And this CME:

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

Namarie! 💚

05 February 2025

M31 Andromeda, M33 Triangulum & Milky Way Procyak Merger ~ A Cosmic Restoration


Over the past years, the topic of Andromeda Galaxy has been talked about consistently since the main concern was over the possible "collision" of this Galaxy with our own Milky Way. The experts had determined that both Galaxies are drawing nearer each other at a rate of 110km/second or 400,000km/hour. According to reports, this means that the meeting of both Galaxies is expected in about 4.5 billion years. Or not.


Will They Won't They

Astronomers and related experts have been flip-flopping over the potential of a "collision" for several years now, and I believe that the changes in status have been decided behind the scenes. In this 2012 article, Nasa was highly confident that a "titanic collision" would occur:

NASA astronomers announced Thursday they can now predict with certainty the next major cosmic event to affect our galaxy, sun, and solar system: the titanic collision of our Milky Way galaxy with the neighboring Andromeda galaxy.

The article also contains an animation of the "collision". 

Then in 2024, for some significant reason, several articles started coming out saying this will not be happening. Here is one such report from Science.org:

For years, astronomers thought it was the Milky Way’s destiny to collide with its near neighbor the Andromeda galaxy a few billion years from now. But a new simulation finds a 50% chance the impending crunch will end up a near-miss, at least for the next 10 billion years.

Astronomy is another voice assuring that it's "far from guaranteed":

If you’ve ever attended a star party, it’s more than likely that the astronomer on site pointed out the  Andromeda Galaxy (M31) — currently around 2.5 million light-years away — and mentioned that it’s expected to collide with the Milky Way Galaxy in about 4.5 billion years. But recently, an international team of astronomers posted a study on the arXiv preprint server stating that the merger of the two galaxies is far from guaranteed.

So the latest status of this "collision" is now statistically down to a coin flip.

The merger between our Milky Way and neighboring Andromeda ~ EarthSky

Restoration Across The Cosmic Board

Before proceeding, I will reference this 2022 report from EarthSky, which called this Galactic event a "merger":

Milky Way and Andromeda merger has begun

The Andromeda galaxy, the nearest spiral galaxy to our Milky Way, isn’t noticeable in our night sky, unless you look for it. Under dark skies, however, you can see it without optical aid, but only as a barely visible fuzzy patch of light. But one day, far in the future, Andromeda will be bright in our sky, growing larger and larger … as it gets closer and closer to us. And even though the two galaxies are still 2.5 million light-years apart, the eventual merger of our two galaxies has, in fact, already begun.

 ....and in my opinion, that's an appropriate term to use instead of "collision". The article contains a lot of information and a couple of videos, it's worthwhile reading.

As we know, this part of the Cosmos is now actively involved in a massive Ascension Cycle requiring restoration on an uber-monumental scale. All that can be healed and brought back to its Divine Blueprint will undergo this process, and that includes Milky Way. Originally a part of Andromeda, our Galaxy split off when it fell in frequency as a result of attacks by the Fallen Races more than 300 billion years ago. It became known as Procyak, and later on Milky Way. 

It has spent eons of time being a fallen system, subjected to so much darkness inflicted by the fallen ones. And now, after almost an eternity of waiting, our Milky Way has started its own restoration process, to culminate in a merger back with Andromeda as well as M33.

In E'Asha Ashayana's highly-detailed and extremely complex document (here), we can see that there are Ascension passages that link back to Andromeda. E'Asha uses the terms "Safe Havens" and "Emancipation" to describe aspects of these corridors ~ that gives us a very good idea what Andromeda represents to us. Here is a tiny snippet:

Such Transposition-Platform Transplaneal Space-Time Continuum “Pass-through potentials” occur through progressive activation, engagement and accretion of the Frequency Spectra inherent to the M31-Emancipation(M31-Andromeda galaxy)& M33-Transposition(M33-Triangulum galaxy)Passages of the Krystal-Bridge Passage Network.

I won't even try to explain or summarise the document because for me, it's just not possible ~ I won't even know how to start. If you haven't yet read the document, I do recommend it as it contains so much information. Even though it's just one aspect of the Ascension process, what E'Asha explains there provides a huge chunk of data to help us understand the technical mechanics of what's happening.

Milky Way is going through its own Ascension and Restoration that will reinstate its Divine Template....Andromeda is reclaiming back part of itself.

Namarie! 🩵

03 February 2025

Star Gates

All the charts shown in this post were gathered some time back when I was trying to find additional information to better understand E'Asha Ashayana's teachings. They are all based on E'Asha's mind-boggling vast body of work, but I cannot tell if the first two are her actual productions or if they have been reproduced by others. Either way, thank you and due credit to the people involved.

From the Universal Star Gates chart above, we can see that both Earth and our Sun are included ~ this is one of the primary reasons why our Planet has been highly coveted by the fallen ones over the eons, and why there's so much footage of craft traffic around our Sun (mostly of unbelievable size).

Solar System Star Gates

This chart shows the locations of the Planetary Star Gates. I believe ~ based on the Korean text ~ I could have screenshot it from one of TrhUah School's videos.

And this corresponding chart is definitely an E'Asha production:

Namarie! 💜

31 January 2025

Solar Forecast For The Weekend


Following from the previous post, here's more data about what is expected just around the corner.

There have been a number of CMEs in the past 24 hours, with the clip above being one of them. If I have selected the correct CME, this is what Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol calls a "double CME" (here).



The screenshot above shows the Solar wind prediction in about 24 hours from the time of this writing. Please visit SpaceWeatherLive to watch the video.

Look at that burst sweeping the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) strands, bunching up the ones belonging to Earth and Mars as well as three observatory crafts:


This is the Magnetosphere density right now:



Aurora watchers are gearing up for this weekend:


Let's continue monitoring this development.

Namarie! 💛

30 January 2025

Our Sun's Huge Corona Hole & That Shield-Like Structure....Again

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol has posted some very interesting and intriguing images of our Sun and its vicinity. I can't help but see the first set of images as faces, as shown above. This is what SpaceWeather reports:

A HOLE IN THE SUN'S ATMOSPHERE: A large hole in the sun's atmosphere is directly facing Earth and blowing a stream of solar wind in our direction. Estimated time of arrival: Jan. 31st or Feb. 1st. Minor G1-class geomagnetic storms are possible when the gaseous material reaches Earth. CME impact alerts: SMS Text.

And this is the intriguing part, where Gregorio says:

Images dated 26-01-2025, a couple of years ago, we followed the appearance in space of a circular object with a star in the center, which many comments hinted at the call (Ezekiel's Wheel) or something like that, and that has appeared in different years in different dates and different position, that in those days as a consequence of his appearance seemed to again unfold a kind of shield such as happened in previous occasions, and now in January 2025 reappears, here again the new images of January 2025...

He's referring to this image:

Gregorio M Vigilante del So

There are several more images, so please click the link to Gregorio's fb page to see them.

The left arrow is pointing at a shield-like stucture, and Gregorio mentions seeing something similar two years ago. I've only followed Gregorio for about 1+ years so I don't know to what he's specifically referring.

However, what this image reminds me of immediately is something that I posted from In2ThinAir 3 years ago, here. If you haven't yet watched the video I featured in the post, I do strongly suggest doing so. It boggles my mind every time I watch it ~ just imagine the size of that structure.


My question then and my question now remains the same: Who is doing this?

So....does this mean that we'll be having a gargantuan Solar storm coming, one that is at the moment far too intense for our Planet and her Humanity, and therefore requires some shielding to step-down the potency?

Is it the same shield structure as before or is this an entirely new one?

So many more questions to ask.... I'll leave it here for now and look forward to seeing some follow-up videos very soon.

Namarie! 💜


UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my attention....it's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...