Showing posts with label key. Show all posts
Showing posts with label key. Show all posts

10 April 2022

New Phase


This post will be in three parts. 

The first part is one that I had refrained from writing for more than a week because I needed more details to properly understand what was unfolding. 

The second part is something that I do not feel comfortable writing about, and it's actually the expanded elaboration that I was requesting but....I am now even more unclear about what's happening🙄

The last bit contains references to a previous post that are related in general to what has transpired in the past two years.

As always, please turn on your Inner Guidance and discernment filter as these are my own interpretations. They will get very wordy indeed.



As per previous post (Lead-Up to March Equinox....) where I mentioned the following:

This block of time that we are currently in right now makes me think that it's a sort of lead-up to the next phase. Not "the next shift in energies", but "the next phase". How I see this Ascension process is like this: we're going through energetic and Timeline shifts all the time, and they are becoming more regular with shorter intervals in-between. Then there's the "phase", where one phase has many shifts. So to me, a phase is quite a major thing ~ it's like a new chapter or a new landscape/backdrop. Something quite different. I'm guessing that our experiences of the outer reality (and inner!) will be largely new terrain through which we will navigate.

The milestone of this lead-up looks like it's going to be the March Equinox.

This "Next Phase" has well and truly landed ~ although I had mentioned the March Equinox, I did not get the sense of it until April presented. In fact, the days following March Equinox were decidedly unpleasant, as I had shared in an earlier post. The numerous instances of dark push-back were downright icky right up until I started seeing the "Bubbles of Purification" on the 29th and things started to ease up. It's as if every attempt was made to prevent this New Phase ~ thankfully they all did not work, and I believe strongly that all future attempts to prevent progress will also not work.

And Holy Mother Earth Mum, what a phase this feels to be! Even if I'm unable to adequately articulate what I'm perceiving about this New Phase, I'm sure many have also felt this change in "frequency projection". (I have yet to check with anyone but I am certain many are sensing this.) For now, I won't bother to talk about the continuing increase in intensity of what's being hurled at us energetically, let's just literally suck it all up 😁 Meanwhile, I will do my best to convey my perceptions of this New Phase, which will take some time to properly settle and anchor in.

I have no doubt that all those frenetic blasts of Solar Flares and Storms that came our way since 2022 started have been part of the build-up to this New Phase. The one that knocked out radio frequencies in both American continents on 30 March (the day after I saw the "Bubbles of Purification") was specially interesting because it was as if there was a pause following that incident ~ a sort of switch-off-switch-on sort of rebooting taking place.

Since April, I get the sense that Earth Mum is now "transmitting". That's the ONLY word I can come up with, and no matter how much I wish to use another word, this is the only one that comes to me. Her transmission will get stronger and "louder" as Time whizzes by. This transmission is the very core of her Creation and Divine Blueprint, and will affect every quantum particle in and around her. All leylines, all grids, all vortices, all portals, all Stargates....they will be recharged with her True Essence, reformatting all reversals that have been engineered by the dark. I won't use the word "reset" because it's New Creation, New Divine Blueprint. Earth Mum, Humanity, her Kingdoms....we're being ushered into a New Reality, a New Existence.

This New Phase will see every stone turned and every Life clarified.  "Clarified" as in the process of separation, as per Merriam-Webster :

There's a new "Covenant" that is being put in place, and this will govern our New Reality. This means that all incongruences will have to be "corrected" as they will become totally incompatible with the New Reality. Forward progression may not be possible if incongruences are present. This is Earth Mum's Covenant, and no being will have any right to amend it in any way, shape or form. We are guests, or at best, Stewards of her New Reality.

This new transmission is somehow very strongly and specifically related to Inner Earth, which will be greatly integral to this New Reality. A huge part of this transmission is very likely emanating from our Inner Sun (this is me making a guess). I am reminded of an image I posted on 30 March:
Anja Rožen

I had not thought about Inner Earth when I posted that, but now I understand that yes, they are certainly in the picture, completing the Family we were always meant to be.

Earth Mum has reclaimed her Sovereignty and this New Phase will see her back in charge and playing the true Living Library role that was originally designed for her.


Yes....Part Two. This part isn't exactly something I wish to write about, but I will proceed as guided. If you end up totally baffled (or worse) after reading this section, I won't blame you ~ I'm baffled, too.

From my (very limited) comprehension of what I received, this section pertains to Humanity's role in this New Phase Timeline and its sub-Timelines. This will determine how choppy the waters get in the coming weeks and months. There will, of course, be the major Timeline that Earth Mum is steadfastly on, but Humanity has to choose whether to get there the easy or hard way. We can take the convoluted path or the more direct route. In other words, swim the vast ocean or take the ferry. 

With that said, here goes.

This New Phase for Humanity has to do a lot with KEYS. Remember all those key-themed posts a while back, when I had no idea what they all meant? Well, they belong to this New Phase. We are being given Keys to "unlock" specific doors (sub-Timelines, Truths) throughout this period. How fast we get the Keys depend entirely on what Humanity chooses (swim or take ferry), and as we progress along, we get given the next Key and so on.

One of those Keys actually involve the dark forces. This Key is in their possession, in their "world". This Key and all it relates to is therefore in their "language" and only they have the knowledge to deal with this Key. Although this Key isn't a vital pre-requisite for Humanity to move forward, it is nevertheless preferable to have it as it will ensure a smoother (and perhaps even faster) ride forward. The thing that has made it less impossible to obtain the Key is that some key members (pun totally unintended) have agreed to cooperate with the Light, and will be instrumental in procuring this Key. Of course, this means having faith in them, and them having faith in us as far as clemency is concerned. It means cooperation on both sides. They can use this Key to show us a better way of doing something, or an improved version of something that is being used in the New Reality.

The ambiance of this "scene" is calm and fairly neutral. I get that both "sides" are willing to get this done, and are cooperating as best as they are able. I also feel that both "sides" know there's so much more at stake than just being able to cooperate, and that a much Bigger Picture is at play. And somehow, I get that it is unsurprisingly related to Earth Mum's New Covenant.

This is the best I can do to interpret what I've been given. I know that I very likely will not get any additional elaboration or detail for the time being, and I have to go with what I got.


A few years ago, I had a complicated dream pertaining to Humanity. At that time, I did not have an adequate comprehension of the dream and could only speculate on the meaning at a more superficial level. With this recent development, I am being referred to this dream and now, it makes so much sense. Here's the dream, reproduced from The Earth Plan. Please note that as I have closed the blog, it's no longer accessible and I will screenshot the post:

Right. Looks like I had to re-visit it again.

This was written in late November 2018. A year later, mainstream media reported the outbreak of the infection, its engineered effects of which has plagued the world for more than two years now.

As my attention is directed to this post once again, I am seeing it on another level of perception, and this time, it relates to this warfare and the ensuing agendas to introduce potions into our bodies and roll out digital surveillance globally.

I now understand that from a higher perspective, Humanity had the option to choose either the easy way (not so obvious side door) or hard way (obvious front door). The easy way meant that we had to look beyond what's presented in front of us, it required us to do a bit of searching, but it was ultimately so much quicker and easier. The hard way, on the other hand, was right in our face and upfront, for all to see and choose ~ but it meant a much longer and more difficult path ahead to manoeuvre. As described above, the front door led to a dark and confined space (limitations), a path that posed many dangers. Finally, to gain entry into the home, I had to ask someone to remove the obstacle placed there (getting permission from an "authority").

Humanity chose the most visible but hard way (agreeing with the propaganda), and that's what happened with the now two-year health agenda that has left a growing population of people with serious adverse reactions (and deaths), in addition to the economic fallout, loss of livelihood and unnecessary suffering.

The easier route would have been the mass questioning of all the propaganda that was fed to us to whip up fear and panic that left us clamouring for the potion roll-out. Questioning the "official narratives" would have required Humanity to do its own research and counsel its own Inner Guidance, and it would have taken time and effort as well as courage to go against the grain. But a Humanity that stands united against oppressive agendas means a collective NO, and the resulting outcome would have been very much different than the YES for which we voted when we went along with the agenda.


We are being presented with the same option once again for this New Phase, going forward. The easy way, or the hard way. Hence the reference to this 2018 post.

May Humanity be successfully guided to choose the easy way.

Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💗


30 December 2021

More Key Stuff

Bodhi Tree Mindfulness
Text:  Mindfulness... the Key to Inner Peace    *Ya Ya

Text: A healer is someone who helps you to find the key within you,
for your own ability to heal

I came across more key stuff today....



Grace, Love and Beauty

 Text: A very little key will open a very heavy door ~ Charles Dickens

It was a fairly typical bright, sunny morning as I sat in our Sun's vibrant rays for a few minutes. I had not intended to tune in, I just wanted to soak in the SunLight and zone out for a while. 

Unexpectedly, the image of a keyhole kept popping up. Then some very peculiar shapes I had not seen before presented themselves. Intrigued, all intentions to zone out dissipated, and I paid rapt attention to what was happening.

It was a vintage-type keyhole:

And the shapes looked like elaborate "S"s ~ they were numerous in number and appeared to be funnelling out of the sky in batches.

I had zero idea what the keyhole and shapes meant and thought no more of them. I assumed then that it was some sort of personal message for me and that I would come to understand it later in the day or so.

Just minutes after, I picked up my phone to scroll through and within seconds came across the top main image. I actually checked with myself to see if I had absent-mindedly searched for "keyhole" but no, I had not keyed in anything prior to that so it wasn't due to intrusive "helpful" internet algorithms.

I still don't know what this means, and I'll leave it for now and allow more information to come through at the right time. If I remember correctly, the longest duration between "vision" and answer was about two years ~ this was pertaining to the "scaffolding" structure I was seeing, where I received additional information that provided a whole new perspective. I most certainly do not wish to wait that long to find the key to this puzzle!

Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💜

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...