29 July 2024

Solar Activity & SR

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun, Russia

Posting some graphs to document the busy phase in the past day or two.

One X-1.5 flare just hours ago, with 3 almost-X flares in past 48 hours (image above).

Radio blackout in this region:

Space Weather Live

Look at the CMEs that our Sun spewed out:


Here's what SpaceWeather.com has to say about these "wagon-train" CMEs:

CANNIBAL CME ALERT: A series of M-class flares over the weekend hurled multiple CMEs toward Earth. According to a NOAA model, the first two CMEs merged to form a potent Cannibal CME. Strong G3-class geomagnetic storms are possible when it reaches Earth on July 30th. Subscribers to our Space Weather Alert Service will receive an instant text message when the CME arrives.

The Cannibal CME is clearing the way for 2 or more CMEs following behind it. SOHO coronagraphs show a wagon-train of clouds leaving the sun on July 28th (image above).

These CMEs are flying into a void created by the earlier Cannibal CME. With little interplanetary material to slow them down, the storm clouds should reach Earth no later than July 31st, potentially intensifying any geomagnetic storm already underway. If the G3 forecast is correct, auroras will be visible at mid-latitudes across Europe and the USA on July 30-31. Stay tuned for updates. 

SpaceWeather.com also highlights this amazing animation (gif below):

Bonus: Watch NOAA's animated forecast model of the first two CMEs merging to form a Cannibal:

I'm still able to access SR readings so here's the last chart for this post:

Space Observing System

It took me a very long while before I could finally fall asleep last night (28th) ~ now I know why. And the high-pitched tones! I've mentioned before that I'm rather pleased with myself for being able to tune out these sounds for years now, but last night was exceptionally loud. No discomfort or irritation at all, just very loud. Of course wearing ear-plugs (which I dislike anyway) would be futile because the noise isn't from outside, it's internal. Plugging the ears would only serve to provide a loud echo effect.

Geomagnetic storms are expected to come our way soon, fair warning! 😅

Namarie! 💛

27 July 2024

SR @25 July 2024

Space Observing System

What on Earth (or off-Earth) is causing this type of abrupt zero-to-off-the-charts reading? The "transmission" ended almost as abruptly, without any tapering off.

This may be the last time I get to post SR charts from Space Observing System as they are limiting access to registered users only (or something like that). This requires filling in a questionnaire and providing details, and that would be a no for me. So I guess after 8 years of daily checking in at the website, I will have to move on. 

Many thanks to Space Observing System for being the main resource of SR readings for me, I truly appreciate your charts 💚 I must have posted hundreds of them over the years!

Namarie! 💜


23 July 2024


Star Trek: Picard Season 3

There's no denying that the external existence has been playing out its weirdest, wildest and most mind-boggling version of "reality" we've seen. Just when we think the political world stage could not get any more theatrical, they pull off something at which we can only shake our heads because there are no words. 

Sure, this time around more people are questioning the suspicious circumstances surrounding the incident, and some begin their journey of awareness from that point. Some also conclude that the "other party" is to blame. Then there are the many who dig their feet even more firmly into the deception, sinking deeper into the bipartisan abyss.

This incident has opened up the intended avenue to whip up sentiment through spouting religious rabble-rousing and making "divine protection" claims.... omigoddess. In the eyes of spell-bound supporters now even more fortified in their belief, he has been elevated from the status of saviour to messiah.

The toxic fallout from the incident has also ramped up the rhetoric from both sides ~ voices are growing louder, with increased vigour and vitriol.

This brings me to something that I've wanted to write about for a while now, based on my own experiences. I've not been able to post as often as I would like to, so I haven't gotten around to it. This recent "incident" has elbowed me to get to it, albeit a week late.

Mention must also be made that intel has warned several times over the past weeks that operatives were planning this attempt (keyword "attempt") in order to initiate more agendas.


There Is Some Curiosity

For quite some time now, there have been numerous occasions where people have more openly brought up certain controversial topics to discuss, either personally with me or in a group setting. The most obviously contentious one is that of the health agenda of the past few years. They know that things don't seem to sit right, and are curious enough to put out feelers.

While I take every opportunity to encourage people to ask the questions that should have been asked and to do their own research without relying totally on mainstream media, I am also still wary when in the company of people who have little to no awareness of the global system ~ it can be too daunting to some when they have even a small realisation that things are not what they have believed their entire life, or that the authorities/experts they have been conditioned to trust implicitly are involved. Seeing cracks beginning to form around the belief structures that have been so carefully crafted is a scary notion indeed.


The Response

What is encouraging is that it's now undeniable that increasing numbers of people are growing more suspicious that things are not what they seem to be, hence the desire to touch base and discuss with others. What follows, however, can take a variety of routes as this does not automatically mean that they are ready to make that paradigm shift out of existing belief systems.

Some actually begin to become aware quite soon, and you can see their eyes registering a degree of clarity as a shift occurs in their mind. It's like they already knew it at a subconscious level but needed to hear someone say it out loud for that realisation to click into place. This is usually followed by more questions, fuelled by a genuine interest to know more.

Another possible response is the silent fence-sitter, where the person is taking in the information and is having a mental debate as to whether the data should be accepted or rejected. 

The third possible response is rejection of what has been discussed. They may have asked several questions (and good ones too!), appear to be understanding the information and even contributing, but by the time they reach some sort of limit, they make a u-turn and go right back to what they believe is their safe place, where their reality feels sound and solid. What usually follows is that they will then quote some mainstream reports to qualify their born-again belief.

The fourth possible response is outright rejection. They will reject the information early on in the discussion, turn around, go back to where they were and anchor in more securely than before. They will shore up their defences and build fortifed castles so that no other perspective other than the one they hold can penetrate their consciousness. Like response no.3, they will usually seal their conviction by presenting mainstream resources (and social media!) to back up their reinforced belief.


In the past, it would have been normal for me to rebut the mainstream media resources and continue presenting data in an effort to persuade non-agreers to see my perspective ~ this usually means some form of debate. I no longer do that now. I just allow the situation to be. I disengage.

Star Trek: Picard Season 3

There really is no one to convince, nothing to debate, no notion to sell. That's basically how I see things now.

I am accepting of others to have their own truth because it's just as imperative and sacred to them as ours is to us. We believe that our version of truth is Truth, just like they believe their version of truth is Truth. We look at what's playing out on the world stage and see the deception, in much the same way as they view our perspective as "conspiracies". Engaging would be a pointless endeavour that takes up time and effort with the debate ending in stalemate, and likely with both sides emotionally impacted.  

Back to the Top

This brings me back to the topic with which I started. The incident has spawned a whole new platform for different versions of "truth" to be presented. I have already been involved in a couple of discussions about it. When a question is asked in the spirit of true discussion, I do my best to answer from my perspective. When the discussion starts to sound like a potential debate, I do not engage. 

I've found that the phrase Your information/data/video/article is noted but I prefer not to comment particularly useful.

As uncomfortable as it is to know, near breaking point extremes and unsettling events are not unexpected in this time of great transformation when both ending and beginning processes of Creation are occurring simultaneously. We are all navigating our individual sub-Timeline groove in this Cycle of chaotic changes, sudden twists, heightened (extra-)senses against a backdrop of expedited major Cosmic evolution.

As the micro to the macro, we need to allow this deep massive metamorphosis to unfold in the individual as well. And the kindest thing I can do at this point in time is to keep things as simple as possible for myself and for others. Disengaging allows me the space to do just that.

Namarie! 💗

21 July 2024

12 DNA Nucleotides ~ E'Asha Ashayana

E'Asha Ashayana ~ Mechanics of Manifestation 2001

In this clip, E'Asha Ashayana explains that we were supposed to have 12 nucleotides instead of the existing 4 (A-C-G-T), as per our Divine Template.

If I remember correctly, Crystalai called the little rungs "harpstrings".

E'Asha's website is Arhayas Productions.


17 July 2024

Solar Activity & SR

Space Observing System

It's been relatively quiet at the Solar-front compared to the X-epic month of May ~ we've only had 2 X-class flares so far in July with little severe geomagnetic storming. However, don't let these statistics paint a misleading picture ~ our Sun is still doing its thing, busy producing numerous C and M-class flares daily and sending Cosmic stuff our way that are not detected or read by existing devices.

Let's see some resources pertaining to the recent X-1.9 flare, which just occurred on 16 July.

Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun, Russia

The Sun Today

This produced CMEs that are heading Mars' way (click link below for video):

Gregorio M Vigilante del Sol

Radio blackout covered these areas:


Here's another look at that X-flare:


Meanwhile, let's see how the current SR (top of post) develops.

Namarie! 💛

14 July 2024

"Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey....Stuff"

Doctor Who

The Tenth Doctor described Time as being "wibbly wobbly timey wimey....stuff":

I totally agree! I think it perfectly describes the experience of "Time" right now ~ going so fast it's wibbly-wobbly, and timey-wimey not knowing which day of the week it is. Two weeks ago Friday felt like Sunday, and this past week it felt like the days were jumbled up and not in order.

There's some major Timeline thing happening for sure. To be more precise, Timeline things have been going on for some years now but recent weeks have felt more surreal than usual.

More later, Namarie! 💜

12 July 2024


With thanks to the brilliant series-saving Season 3 of Picard....

It's An X-9.1!

SpaceWeather We had an X-9.1 flare yesterday, the strongest yet of this current Solar Cycle and the biggest flare since 2017! I wanted to po...