12 February 2024

Bifurcation: Simultaneous Fallout & Rising

This photo above was taken on 28 January 2024 when I looked out the window and saw our Sun doing her flashing thing. As you can tell from the photo, I wasn't able to capture the actual essence, but there are some nice effects/hues which I hope are able to convey some semblance of what I saw.

I've been using the word "busyness" a lot in a couple of my posts pertaining to SR charts, and this is also the prevalent sense I'm feeling from the Planetary fields in past weeks. It's presenting in the external world, in my own fields, in those of several people I know, and I'm also seeing it in many groups. Busy, chaotic, here-there, up-down, left-right. Everything is coming and going at the same time.

When I tried to decipher what was happening, I got confusing mixed signals. Each time I tried to tune-in, it was as if I was listening to two (or more) broadcast stations. No matter how much I fine-tuned, the result was the same ~ garbled jarring frequencies. 

When I stepped back long enough, I finally remembered I had to look at the energies from the Bifurcation filter ~ then, and only then, everything made sense!

We know that the Inorganic Template is being separated, worked on and transmuted, and we are building up to the completion of this process when May comes around. Like any demented distortion that has had a vise-like grip on control, its death throes can be loud and significant. This is likely to continue until the very end of the process, although it is logical to expect more stability in the final days leading to the conclusion.

Both Light and Dark energies are very much at play, with the Light being stronger than ever ~ and will continue increasing in power ~ for the longest time. There's a lot of pull-push within our own energies as the Organic-Inorganic templates themselves push-pull in their disentanglement. Anxiety, restlessness, distraction, overwhelm ~ these seem to be commonly felt by many as the energetic battle runs its final course.

The safe zone is within. Being in our own centre, within our own Light Bubble, standing in our own Empowerment ~ this is where we will find stability as we ride out the Bifurcation. We have to constantly remind ourselves that we are co-creator Beings creating every moment of our Lives, notwithstanding the Morphogenetic frequency of the Collective. We can, and will, make a difference to lessen the turbulence through our moment-to-moment choices.  

So much is unfolding continuously in the Cosmic background as Creation is reclaimed in Divine Expression amidst the turmoil of a fading darkness. Just before this write-up, I felt a strong sense to look out the window and saw the most unusual blue hue in the sky. I took a photo, hoping (yet again) that I would be able to capture the essence of what I was seeing:

There was a sharp clarity and brilliance in the colour I was seeing. I'd like to believe that it's an indication of our on-going Ascension as well as a demonstration of what I just wrote about Divine Expression.

Let's maintain our focus with unwavering intention on the Organic Ascending Timeline in all that we do-say-think-feel.

Namarie! 💚

Solar Activity & SR

Laboratory of Solar Astronomy, SRI RAS A quick update about that reverse-spike/heartbeat Solar activity ~ it lasted just 48 hours (27 & ...