22 November 2023

The Two Conditions

At this time of writing, the following video clip (source: M) has caught fire across different platforms and is setting the Truther sector ablaze. It's a brief excerpt from the United Network News report for 17 November 2023, outlining conditions set by the Ground Command Office (read by Sunny Gault on behalf of Kim Goguen):

In the clip, Sunny is reading out two conditions that have to be met before funding can be released to the US Congress. First, Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Charles Brown Jr must be removed; next, the passing of Trump must be announced (he passed January 2022).

Both conditions are expected to be fulfilled in the next few days.

As I do not have the respective social media accounts, I have no access to comments so I'm unable to gauge reactions. However, I understand from others that the general response from T followers has been explosive, and that's an understatement.

It is my intention to not add anything more to this post other than what is already "visible" i.e. the video clip and the reaction it generated. The only thing intangible I will venture to offer is this....

Given that the Bifurcation of the Organic & Inorganic Timelines has initiated, perhaps we are now in a better probability flow frequency-wise for more and more things to start appearing publicly on the world stage. If indeed this intel has teeth and we see these two conditions taking place, then it is the first domino for a good many other events to unfold in quick succession. 

Let's see where this goes....

I will update again when there is more development. Namarie! 💚

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