27 February 2022

"More Love, Not Less"

Bahman Farzad

"More love, not less." Wise words indeed from Matt Kahn.

This post is a response to some of the things I've come across in Lightworker circles in the past couple of days, relating to the current conflict that erupted on the 24th of this month. This recent event has further increased the gaping chasm in our communities but it's not something that I'm writing about now, as I've addressed this topic adequately in the past. I'm just focussing on the response or reaction to the conflict.

The response from very many denote praise and applause for what is transpiring, and this is what I'm directly addressing here. Generally, the notion is that we should not do anything and just allow things to escalate. We should not impede its progress but let it reach the maximum peak so that Light Forces can step in, so this operation is justified and legitimate. Many disasters happen around the world all the time, this one is no different. Collateral damage is normalised as it is a sacrifice for the greater good. And anyway, no one really dies because our Souls are immortal.

I wish to clarify, highlight and stress that this post has nothing to do with who is the good guy and who is bad, who is with the Light and who is working for the dark, whether this is a White Hats/Positive Military operation or not, etc. This isn't even about wanting a certain outcome.

This is just about being a Human Being and therefore expressing the quality of being humane. It is simply about sending Love, Blessings, Light, Prayer or benevolence to a volatile situation where lives are at stake. Every citizen and every soldier involved is someone's daughter or son, wife or husband, sister or brother, mother or father. Even if we are adamant "not to go against free will" or "alter the outcome", we can still send Love or Blessings. And the barest minimum we can do is to radiate that Love and Light that we've worked so hard to grow and nurture within.

A change in circumstance can bring about a rapid shift in perspective. Those responses expressed may not be the same if they or their loved ones are directly involved in or affected by the situation.

We all need more Love, not less, not none. Even "enemies". Especially them.

Namaste and Bright Blessings! And much Love to ALL OF HUMANITY.

Barbara Pozzi

21 February 2022

The Sun Has Erupted Non-Stop All Month, And There Are More Giant Flares Coming ~ Michelle Starr ~ 18 February 2022

I just saw this, and it's the perfect follow-up to the previous post about our Sun's CMEs. This report also mentions the neutralisation of the Starlink satellites, although not quite worded that way....

From Science Alert:

The Sun Has Erupted Non-Stop All Month, And There Are More Giant Flares Coming

18 FEBRUARY 2022

The past few weeks or so have been a very busy time for the Sun. Our star has undergone a series of giant eruptions that have sent plasma hurtling through space.

Perhaps the most dramatic was a powerful coronal mass ejection and solar flare that erupted from the far side of the Sun on February 15 just before midnight. Based on the size, it's possible that the eruption was in the most powerful category of which our Sun is capable: an X-class flare.

Because the flare and CME were directed away from Earth, we're unlikely to see any of the effects associated with a geomagnetic storm, which occurs when material from the eruption slams into Earth's atmosphere.

These include interruptions to communications, power grid fluctuations, and auroras. But the escalating activity suggests that we may anticipate such storms in the imminent future.

"This is only the second farside active region of this size since September 2017," astronomer Junwei Zhao of Stanford University's helioseismology group told SpaceWeather.

"If this region remains huge as it rotates to the Earth-facing side of the Sun, it could give us some exciting flares."


20 February 2022

Cosmic Purification

Space Weather Live: 18 February 2022

Here's where you can watch a short clip of that Solar jet of Cosmic energies, clocking in at a maximum velocity of 1953 km/sec on 18 February 2022:


And this is a spectacular video of another massive CME on 15 February 2022, courtesy of kosmonautanet. A screenshot:

For the month of February as at 20 February 2022, we've had almost 100 Solar Flares. Throughout the whole month of January 2022, there were about 85 Solar Flares. (Please refer to Tesis for details.)

There's a whole lot of Cosmic Purification by Fire going on this year, and so it should be, with deep Gratitude.

Namaste and Bright Blessings! 🔥💙

18 February 2022

Strong Enough Now, Thanks....

Some ECards

Text: Dear whatever doesn't kill me, I'm strong enough now. Thanks.

While going through a particularly challenging phase quite recently (including fatigue and other energy-related stuff), I ranted in total desperation to my Divinity about the situation. The almost one-sided exchange went something like this:

Me: Rant rant rant enough already how much more is there it's so much that's being asked of me it's too much already rant rant rant

Divinity: Yes, it's a lot....but not too much.

I'm off now to make myself a giant mug of tea.

Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💖

05 February 2022

The Best Wayshowers

See with new eyes ~ Buddha Doodles

This is the continuation of a previous post, "Radio Metatron".

I will recount another incident from some years ago, 2013 or thereabouts. Wayshower A, someone that I was following, got into a public mud-slinging with Wayshower B over the vesica piscis (Bi-Wave). The former held it above scrutiny while the latter insisted it was antithetical to true Creation. 

Fast forward to 2022, and this debate is hotter, bigger and more volatile than ever. Just a few days ago, a group I'm in fell into this same argument, with the overall majority passionately defending the vesica piscis-related geometry (Bi-Wave) aka Flower of Life as sacrosanct, while one lone member tried to explain it's a perverted distortion of true Creation Mechanics. It was civil but there was definitely a clear undercurrent of each person aggressively defending what they believe to be true.

(If you are familiar with my writings either here or from The Earth Plan, it will be clear that I believe in Tri-Wave architecture rather than Bi-Wave, and have covered this at length. I've also clarified that the new energy codes I see via/through our Sun are nowhere near Bi-Wave geometry, and written a lot about these new codes re-writing existing Bi-Wave architecture as we progress along our Ascension and Evolution. However, this post isn't about what's true and what's false. Rather, it is about the current situation, the divisions and my observations.)

I will highlight several situations and the related belief systems in the Spiritual communities that I feel warrant attention. It's not a pleasant thing to write about but hey, this won't be the first time I delve into something controversial that makes a lot of people unhappy, and I'm sure it won't be the last. But it needs to be brought up so that we can look at it without judgement and be reminded that ultimately, our Ascension really is an inside job and is truly between us and our own Divinity.



Let's go back to Archangel Metatron. Along with Archangel Michael, they are clearly the most loved and most channelled beings in the Spiritual communities. There is, however, also a small but determined sector that identifies them as the two main characters in the Fallen Angelics agenda. There is adequate detailed resources about this for anyone that wishes to conduct unbiased research. I have also written about my own channelling experience with Metatron to provide my own observations so please do decide for yourself how this sits with you.

Politics. Somehow and rather strangely (although not entirely unexpectedly), it has come to the stage where who or which party we "support" determines whether we are "truly spiritual" or not. A reminder ~ the control system is GLOBAL. It is inconceivable for a global control system to only have dominion over one political party and leave the others untouched. Again, I've written about this at length so no need to rehash.

There are many who are invested in intel providers who receive their information from "surprising" sources. An example would be intel providers who quote 3-letter agencies (!) and/or national elite forces such as Mossad (!!) as their sources. I actually am quite at a loss for words regarding this situation ~ why would we wish to trust information from the very same sources that are the executors of the dark agenda?

Then there is the Enki/Enlil and/or Inanna following. This implies a belief that the Anunnaki are benevolent, accompanied by the explanation that Anunnaki means "Children of God". This is also related to the belief held by some that Nibiru (Anunnaki's Planet of Origin) is on its return path back to this part of the Solar System, signifying the return of the Gods  and therefore the dawn of the next Golden Age. Counter to all of this is the belief that this is a race of malevolents and that they are actually the ones (or a large faction) controlling the Planet, and have been doing so for eons of Time. There is also the twist belief ~ although the commonly held notion is that Enki is the benevolent god, there is also the sector that believes the exact opposite.... that Enlil is the the benevolent one while Enki is dark. I must admit I find this topic quite convoluted.

There are major Wayshowers that strongly promote the belief that advanced Greys are us from the future, and encourage the embracing of hybridisation with this species. On the other side of the Grey pole is the assertion this race is a major player in the control system and that we should only approach this topic with a....well, 10-foot pole. 

Ashtar, Galaction Federation of Light, Galactic Federation of Worlds, Galactic Confederation of Light, Galactic Confederation of Worlds/Planets etc.... This major grouping is a messy one, with many combinations of beliefs that spill over to Secret Space Programs, Space Force, the Moon, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter.

Forget our Higher Self/Divinity, just focus on the physical body. Do Lightbody activation, don't do Lightbody activation. Even meditation isn't spared ~ some believe (given the current situation) that this is a ritual that can open up dark portals.

Last on my list is the current "health agenda" that's been raging for two years already. There's more but I think I've listed enough examples that have caused further fracturing of our fraying communities.

What Truly Matters

No matter what happens, our responsibility to ourselves is to continue accreting frequency as our Planet advances on her Ascension path. There's no stopping her and there should be no stopping us in spite of external circumstances. In plain simple Spiritual Physics, we cannot ascend with her if we do not have the frequencies required. This is entirely independent of which Wayshowers we follow, or how much intel/knowledge we have.

If we have belief systems that actually help us advance our Spiritual growth and encourage us to continue accreting frequencies, then well and good. Take what works and leave the rest, if necessary. The crucial thing is to not become so invested with any belief system to the point that we become resistant to what could be higher or evolving truths that require us to relinquish what we have held on to. We have to be willing to let go of any belief system that prevents us from moving forward in the Ascension process. Sovereignty, self-empowerment, responsibility ~ these are all pre-requisite attributes for our Spiritual growth, and we need to constantly ask if what we believe is in support of them.

The Saviour narrative runs deep and strong, coming in various forms ~ Solar flash, some Saviour, some organisation, some event, some Cosmic alignment, some date. Waiting for someone or something will only rob us of the precious time to raise our vibrations and do what we can to help others. 

I would dearly love for the Hand of Source to reach out and yank our Planet out of this fallen sector, shake loose all dark forces and influences, restore the sector, and plonk us back in, all nice and clean. Well, actually this is sort of happening now ~ the Cosmic Rewrite has started, fallen sectors are being reclaimed and restored, and our Planet has every intention to keep going.

I also believe that we will have a Solar Event ~ it could happen this year, next year, next decade, next century. It would be counter-productive to sit back and wait. (And a reminder that many Wayshowers have "predicted" over recent years that this will happen next Solstice, next month, three months' time, next year, and....nothing.)

Remember Who They Are

Let me refer to the following image. 


And there it is, the entire situation summarised in just that one image. 

A reminder that the global control system is the spawn of Fallen Angelics over eons of years. These are beings that were from 11D, 10D. They were Angelics. They were/are powerful creator beings unrestricted by the concept of Time and Space. They had an unfathomable amount of time to be good in what they do. And they've been so very good at manipulating Humanity to the point that we do their bidding without suspicion. They control everything and condition us to take sides, thinking that whichever side we are on is the right one. They play us like simple basic instruments, making us produce the exact music they want to hear. 

They know about this Ascension cycle, the Cosmic Rewrite, the end of their rule. They were well prepared and had no intention to give up Humanity, the Planet and their control system. They put everything into place for this point in time, and made sure Spiritual and Truther communities are divided and therefore weakened in collective motivation. Here we are now in a two-year "health agenda" assisted by their mainstream media, and deeply divided communities. Planetary Ascension is something they must prevent, or at least delay, at all costs. Therefore, Planetary Ascension is something we must ensure, at all costs.

Remember Who We Are

We are creator beings from the Human Angelics lineages. We are a Human Race-in-Transition, ascending back to Higher Consciousness and reclaiming our heritage. We run Source Life Force  through our bodies, we carry Divine Source Codes within our DNA. We are a Race learning to free ourselves and become Sovereign again. 

We are taking back control of our Lives and unplugging one by one from the matrix systems, denying them of our energy. We are guided by Universal Laws and recognise the Divine Spark in every other human, unconditionally. We are creating the New Reality as we make our way Home together with our Planet. 

We understand that everything is energy, frequency. And that ultimately, our Ascension depends upon our frequency. This is the true "passport" ~ one that is offered to all Souls without discrimination and without prejudice.


The Best Wayshowers

While we are truly grateful to all the Wayshowers that have helped us in our Spiritual growth, the best Wayshowers are the ones who will take us all the way Home, without any sliver of doubt and with full certainty. They are the ones who will not mislead us unintentionally or deceive us wilfully. They will help us become the best versions of ourselves, and encourage us to attain the highest frequencies possible at all times. They don't cost us anything except our diligence. They are available to all, we only need to connect.

They are none other than Earth Mum and our own Divinity. 

Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💗

02 February 2022

Soul Food

Rumi Hugs

Text: Nothing can nourish the Soul but Light   *Rumi

There's just no letting up, is there? 😅😄 I honestly don't know how I managed to autopilot through the past few days ~ putting one foot in front of the other and trying to engage in the physical world has been a daily challenge when most of the time the external world feels very dream-like.

More of that in a bit, let me show some charts first:




69 Solar Flares in 6 days!

The energies are very expansive, very "watery", very dream-like. There's a strong need to be in our own zone, our own zero point space, and this is where things feel real.

Sleep never seems to be sufficient, even if effort has been made to get as much sleep as possible.

Speech is difficult, and words don't seem to form easily. It's as if there's a need to communicate in "data packets" rather than form several sentences.

There's also a strong sense for Spiritual sustenance, and as Rumi says, our Souls need nourishment in the form of Light. I believe this is what the watery, dream-like energies are encouraging us to do ~ to feed the Soul. This is what is needed now and in the following months ~ not more intel, not more knowledge.... more Light, more Love.

I don't know if this "watery" energy is reflective of the Water Tiger that's made its presence felt in the past week before the Chinese New Year, although I'm inclined to think it is so. However, I must also say that this in no way sets the stage for the rest of the year, because despite the watery dream-like feel of the past week, it has also been very full-on and determined, with a strong sense of getting things done.

Okay, I'll stop here now. I don't mean to be abrupt but truly, this is all I can manage for now😄

Namaste and Bright Blessings 💖

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

myunhauzen74 A couple of images from myunhauzen74's new video caught my attention....it's nice to see this after quite a long absenc...