22 October 2021

Beyond 7.83 Hz

Space Observing System

While I cannot recall the first time I heard about the SR, I will credit Sheldan Nidle as the person who piqued my interest enough to actually take note of it. This was around 2014, when I was watching one of his webinars. He had mentioned that Earth Mum was rising in frequency, and that meant the SR is rising in tandem. Once it goes beyond 13 hz, physical changes will start taking place in alignment with her Ascension. 

Resources pertaining to SR were in short supply then ~ they all were pretty much geo-scientific articles talking about the mechanism, ionosphere, the Planet's crust etc....  Ho hum.

It wasn't until 2016 that I knew about Space Observing System, and from then on I had a happy relationship with them, following their charts on a daily basis. (I still check them every day.)

Interest in SR activity has skyrocketed since then, especially in the past two years, and with this exponential increase in attention came more analysis and examination of data. I have come across some Wayshowers who have presented their analysis based on "Science" and state that the baseline frequency of the SR will always remain at 7.83 hz, no matter how high it spikes or for how long.

I respectfully disagree. 

In 2016, I wrote the following:

I believed then that the baseline SR has to rise, and I haven't yet changed my mind. It should and must rise, if our Planet is to continue ascending. Yes, I am aware that there are studies stating we will not be able to survive for long if the value of the SR changes significantly enough. I am in total agreement with this finding.

Am I saying I want Humanity to perish? Not at all.

Our Planet is ascending, and therefore her frequency is continuing to increase. We are also ascending, and we must also continue to increase our frequency. So that's the SR connection.... both Planetary and Humanity's frequencies must rise. We have to do our best to match our Planet's frequency if we wish to continue living here, it's Spiritual Physics and we know it. 

It's my belief that using Science to explain why the SR must remain at 7.83 hz is a flawed argument, given our Planet's ascension.

Another angle I wish to bring up is the age-old bane of our Planet and Humanity. We are in a fallen system, our Planet has been practically bound, gagged and tortured while her Humanity has descended in Consciousness to the state of near-Unconsciousness. If 7.83 hz is where our Planet has been languishing because she was unable to raise her frequency, then obviously during this time of Ascension, it cannot remain at that same level. 

As I've opined repeatedly, just because we see it around us does not make it a statement of Truth, or a true feature of Divine Creation. A fallen creation is anti-Life, entropic, reversed, and does its best to cut off connection from Source. Its architecture borrows from Divine Creation, but is then perverted or distorted in some degree, resulting in a twisted version. 

As always, my own opinion. 

Namaste and Bright Blessings! πŸ’›πŸ’™


21 October 2021

Energy Tune-In: 21 October 2021 ~ "Scaffolding"

Third energy update in 10 days ~ this must be a record for me 😁 Actually, this post is more about me catching up with myself as there are a few more that are lined up, awaiting attention. 

Quite recently, I saw some information based on Keylontic Science about the Christed/Krystic energies coming in, and the writer used the word "scaffolding". My eyes went πŸ‘€ !!!  I felt it relevant to share that information as I had reported seeing scaffolding geometry in 2019, via The Earth Plan.

Since it was in a closed group, I'm unable to link back to the source or take a screenshot, but I will paraphrase. This person explained that an energetic "scaffolding" has been built to hold this sector in place to prevent further fall as well as assist in its Ascension progress. 

For reference, here's when I first reported seeing the scaffolding, via The Earth Plan. Since I have closed that blog, I'm unable to provide a direct link as you will not be able to access it.

18 October 2021

Energy Tune-In: 18 October 2021

A brief update ~ this was totally unexpected but I feel it should be posted now.

Last night was one of those (thankfully uncommon) times when my eyes needed to shut out everything but I just couldn't fall asleep.

The wonderful and synchronous thing is that while my eyes were still determinedly shut after what seemed like a couple of hours, I was fully awake to realise that undulating waves of energy had started flowing from my head throughout my body. The sensation was strongest around my High Heart area. It felt gentle and steady, and I actually wondered if I was awake or dreaming because it also felt surreal, as if I was in another realm or dimension of existence. This went on for some time and I think I fell asleep after a while. I say "I think" because I'm not really sure....

Then this morning, in my daily greeting to our Sun, I "saw" two "blocks" of energy "clouds" merging with each other. I had totally forgotten about the night's experience, but seeing those energy clouds merging made me remember. They had the same undulating motion I had felt the night before. The closest analogy I can think of is two different smoke clouds coming together and merging.

I very much want to say "Integration". Honestly though, I have no idea what it means right now. I'm just reporting it as I see it, and will leave it here. As always, once I have more information, I will update again.

Namaste & Loving Blessings! πŸ’›πŸ’™

PS. I feel very energised and recharged today πŸ˜‰

11 October 2021

Energy Tune-In: 11 October 2021

I know, I could have done with a better title for this post, but there you go 😁 Some days I have challenges recalling basic words, and today is such a day.

This tune-in was done more than a week ago, apologies. I just wasn't able to sit down and relay it until today. It's been mercilessly intense and wild with roller-coaster phases of incredibly strong energies. I actually don't quite know how to describe these frequencies anymore ~ each time I use terms like "incredibly intense" or "strongest yet" etc the next phase climbs another level up the Cosmic Chart of Seemingly Infinitely Increasing Strength of Energies.


The Energies

These energies are still of various types ~ multiple streams, braided as well as "single" (not merged with any other types). As some may know (via The Earth Plan), I've often tried but failed when describing the geometric patterns of these streams. I've offered analogies as well as I could, and chosen images to represent them as closely as possible, but all the while maintaining that they were very hard for me to adequately describe. 

However, during the time of my hiatus (which technically, is still on-going πŸ™„ because I haven't yet  gotten the "hiatus" I wanted πŸ˜… ) I came across the artwork of this amazing creator, and immediately felt connected to some of her images. What's more, they are quite a close match to the geometries I've been seeing....for the first time, I can now show you a representation of how these energies look like to me:

It's not the image itself that I'm seeing ~ rather, it's the intricate pattern of the white lines in the image. That's how the geometries of the energies appear to me ~ fine intricate curved white lines of light-filled Creation Codes.

The "Building Blocks"

These geometries are the "fabric" of the Energy Codes. The geometries are the macro, comprising "building blocks", which are the micro. As far as I'm aware, a couple of Wayshowers have invariably described the micro as looking like diamonds. I myself have used the term "diamond" but only to give the impression of the diamond-like scintillations of the geometries or codes. Try as I might, I could not see the actual diamond shape or even the typical representation ♢  In other words, I wasn't able to see the micro, or "building blocks" of these geometries.

(I hope you're still with me....I'm doing my best to make a point πŸ˜… )

But as they say, all good things come to those who wait, even if it's two years later 😁  Finally and at long last, I saw the micro or building blocks. This is what it looks like to me:

Tiny teeny weensy triskelions with straight "legs". If ever there was any doubt in my mind that Tri-Wave architecture is well and truly here, this would banish it forever, in an instant. Please note, however, that I'm NOT saying this is the actual form of the Tri-Wave architecture ~ there is no way I can make that claim. What I'm describing is how the building blocks present to me, according to my own filter and my own interpretation. As I endlessly repeat, everything I write is from my perspective and you will always need to use discernment.

The Physical

The physical....phew. I don't even know where to begin. It's like everything is happening all at once, and it's particularly stressful for those who feel the Collective. Releasing, setting energetic boundaries and knowing what's ours and what's not are imperative for maintaining sanity in a world gone absolutely berserk. (I intend to write more about this in a separate post.)

It feels to me that there is earnest and determined purging going on with recent energy streams. There's also intensive rewriting of codes, in alignment with our Planet's own Ascension process ~ I'm getting that these two go hand-in-hand....and our Planet's Ascension process is most certainly at an accelerated pace. This then creates a sort of vacuum as Humanity is catching up but not quite (yet) matching the pace. All this adds to the utter chaos and madness that's exploding all over. I can't be sure, but as I wrote that last sentence I seem to be getting that this is also contributing to the Bifurcation of Timelines? It's as if this "lag" is creating the momentum/vacuum/drag for the "split".

Frequency shifts continue to occur more often, sometimes with just mere days apart.

Hot surges of energies, also on a frequent basis. 


Roller Coaster

There's such a wild swing of energies right now, as if highlighting and demonstrating the extreme polarities in Humanity.

The feeling that I know everything, followed by the feeling I know nothing. Thankfully I'm not feeling too fazed by this one. As some may know, I'm perfectly okay with "I don't know".

The same pendulum pattern for many other things ~ everything is OK/nothing is OK, feeling serene and at peace/feeling disturbed and anxious, Life is flowing/Life is stuck, all is well/all is chaos, and so on.

It feels like Humanity is being jiggled loose in a polarity push-pull motion so that it can be pried loose from the lower realm structure. And this robust jiggling of something very stuck in the dense morass takes some doing to free, is most definitely painful, and releases much miasma that has accumulated from ancient eras.

This roller-coaster situation is mirrored by what the Solar Flare chart is showing as well:


It's been pretty much like this for some time now, since end-August:


When I look at these charts, I keep thinking "Contractions". It's like Earth Mum is going through labour and is about to give birth. But then again, I cannot fully go along with this because I've seen this pattern before in recent years. Of course, there's always a reason for any such patterns, but I don't have the answer right now.

And as for the Schumann Resonance (SR).....it's been pretty active for quite some weeks now as well. So everything is happening, much like the energy streams, much like what's unfolding with Humanity, much like what's being ruthlessly dispensed via the global agendas.


Countries' Spirits Rising

A recent realisation I did not expect at all, and totally had no prior notion of either .... *deep breath*  I'm getting that Spirits of some countries are rising. I'm not referring to Spirit as in the Spirit of Humanity or similar ~ I mean it literally. As in Spirit Beings.

This is a completely new and unfamiliar concept to me so I don't really have much to offer. All I can relay here at the moment is that countries' Spirits will rise one by one by one to carry out their work and provide the much-needed impetus to realign each country's situation.

If you're going "huh?" at what I just wrote, don't worry. I'm still going "huh?" myself 😁

I saw a visual of my country's Spirit ~ she doesn't look pleased ~ and I've taken to acknowledging and honouring her Presence in my daily meditations. Here's a representation of what I saw:


Namaste and Loving Blessings! πŸ’™


UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (ΠΠ›Πž Π²ΠΎΠ·Π»Π΅ Π‘ΠΎΠ»Π½Ρ†Π° - Π€Π΅Π²Ρ€Π°Π»ΡŒ 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

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