The above graph depicts a Bell Curve, as it is commonly known. The Mathematical term to describe such a graph is "Gaussian", but we're not getting technical today 😄 I'm just basically thinking out loud on the proverbial paper.
Let me backtrack a bit first to explain why I'm featuring a Bell Curve on my blog, something that seemingly may look out of place.
The First Term/Time
I think it's fair for me to say that it's quite evident that I feel rather strongly about polarisation. If that's been unclear from this blog, it was certainly very clear in my previous blog because I wrote extensively about it in the years following T's first term when I was in near despair witnessing the emerging polarisation in the external world. To see it manifest in the Spiritual communities left me in disbelief. I pleaded through my previous blog for people to see the futility of falling into the trap of polarisation, appealing to their "aware" aspect. I had erroneously believed that if someone is reading my blog and all the out-there stuff in it, they would not be pulled into that pit hole.
There were several unpleasant exchanges with some readers who trotted out the classic "My side is the right side". The irony was that they were correct....all but one (who was an extreme leftist) were rabid T-supporters so yes, they were definitely on the very extreme right side indeed. I distinctively remember someone telling me that "Even the Lightworkers have to polarise".
That was around the time when I was already increasingly becoming wary and disillusioned with Spiritual communities and really struggling to accept that I had to start walking away even from groups in which I had personally been actively involved. In hindsight, the polarisation expedited the process for me.
Here We Go Again
And so, here we are again, the second time around. Or "The Second Coming", as followers would have us believe. (For those who don't believe me, just look it up online.) During the interim 4-years, polarisation kept itself in the shadows somewhat, exuding a false sense of dissipation as it turned down the volume. Now, it's bigger and louder than ever before and niceties be damned as lines are re-chiselled in stone.
In Round One, it bothered me a lot that Lightworkers were driving themselves into extremes ~ to me, it was as if they were allowing themselves to be distracted from their Lightwork and potentially become lost in the foray. Duality was the very nature of the inorganic expression of our fallen reality and it disturbed me greatly that Lightworkers were themselves exhibiting this trait.
This time, I am a lot less perturbed and feel very much less in despair.
The Bell Curve
And so we come to the Bell Curve. I was mulling the rejuvenated rhetoric that was flooding the Planetary fields over the past few months. For some reason, I kept seeing the Bell Curve in my mind. I recalled what I had been taught in Statistics ~ sometimes, the extremes (called "outliers", represented by both ends of the Bell Curve) had to be disregarded so as not to skew the data analysis.
Rightly or wrongly, I saw the Bell Curve outliers as the analogy for the extremes of both sides of the polarised population. That in turn helped me let go of the situation, enabling me to observe what's happening with a lot less distress.
Rightly or wrongly, I accept that there are people in both ends of the Bell Curve for whatever reason pulled them there, DNA-related or otherwise, "aware" or otherwise. In an effort to better understand their thinking, I had tortured myself needlessly by reading what they say and my conclusion is that they will remain programmed that way until they are not.
Rightly wrongly, perhaps the extreme ends represent the ancient Anunnaki-Draco feud that precipated the Fall, coming full circle. is what it is? Rightly or wrongly.
The Centre Must Hold
As I was about to write this post, I came across the above image. It really struck a deep chord within me, and it's a beautiful perspective that I hadn't previously considered. What a profound way of looking at what's happening, so appropriately depicted by the picture of the heart being held together. I see it as a higher perspective translation of the Bell Curve, where the danger of extremes has to be mitigated so as to maintain the integrity of the Collective.
Although there is an accompanying article that Dr Estes wrote, my focus is only on the image.
As portions of the external reality go into extremes, we must mend the Centre. The Centre must hold.
Namarie! 💜