Showing posts with label lisa renee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lisa renee. Show all posts

22 May 2023

Divine Right Order

Background image ~ Wallpaper Safari

Divine Right Order. I've been contemplating this term quite a bit recently, in relation to the Cycles of Time and Creation (big and small) and how Life plays out following these Cycles. Eventually, in the required amount of Time (as we understand or experience it in a linear manner) ~ be it months, years, millennia, or unfathomably long periods of eons. 

I'm a strong believer in Divine Will ~ and have mentioned it several times before ~ and I have realised that Divine Will and Divine Right Order are connected, with the former leading to the latter. In the bigger scheme of things (and Life), at the more macro levels, the general unfolding of Creation is basically Divine, no matter how terrible it can look at our micro-level.

I remember that Louise Hay was someone who talked about Divine Right Order, and I'm sure there are also other Wayshowers who have done the same. 

So I went online to see who else spoke about Divine Right Order and this popped up ~ Lisa Renee's Ascension Glossary:

Stating Divine Right Order essentially means the evocation of the true spiritual law to be made present in all that governs time and space, and through one's own personal intent and consent, one is choosing the authority of Gods Natural Laws to be made manifested within their consciousness and throughout their creations.

The delineation that is being made when invoking Divine Right Order is made through the statement, "not my will, but divine will", which is deferring to the highest expression that is possible in every moment. This also means the comprehension that the person that is asking for divine right order is acting upon their own Self-Determination, and the Law of Intent, to resolve the authority problem between the Negative Ego and the higher relationship they have with their inner spirit and God expression. It is a choice that is being made to relinquish ones personal control and will, releasing perceptions of needs and desires, with the consent to defer to the natural laws in Divine Right Order.

I haven't followed Lisa Renee's work for quite a long while now but I do appreciate that this entry also linked in Divine Will.

Then just about an hour ago, while searching for some additional information to aid my comprehension of higher planes of existence, I unintentionally came across this definition from E'Asha Ashayana:

Arek Popovich


So I decided to post all this together here, for anyone keen to explore further.


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