24 November 2021

Revocation for Enslavement

Here is a revocation for Enslavement for anyone interested. It was shared in a private group and I feel it is very relevant for the current situation in the world right now. Unfortunately I'm unable to determine the author of this revocation. If anyone knows the source, I would appreciate if you could let me know so I can provide the proper credit, thank you.

Much Gratitude to the unknown source.

Please remember that revocations are not a one-time thing as we can unknowingly acquiesce to agreements without even being aware of its nature or process. Silence is consent, as per the legal system set up by the dark to ensure entrapment without our awareness. NO is a very powerful word indeed.

I have personally tweaked this revocation to suit my needs ~ I've appended "reject and rescind" to "revoke", for good measure. I also included "across all timelines and frequencies, realms and realities" to cover other lifetimes. I would also add "I Am Sovereign, I Am Free" at the end to complete the revocation.

Text for the revocation for those who wish to translate:

From the Divine Love that flows within my Being,

I revoke all laws, contracts and conditions that would allow another to violate my Free Will Choice to be Free and Sovereign on all levels of Consciousness.

I command that any energy directed to enslave any aspect of my Being be transmuted in the moment into Unconditional Love and returned to Creator Source to once again become a positive, productive energy.

And so it is. 


Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💜

Comet ATLAS C/2024 G3

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