25 November 2021

Energy Tune-In 25 November 2021

It's been a long while since I last had a nice picture of our Sun, so the above image will have to do until such an opportunity presents itself. 

I'm quite intrigued by a new development resulting from yesterday's tune-in, so I'll get right to it. The usual complex geometric patterns appeared muted and I was rather puzzled by their backstage nature as they usually present clearly. I was saved from needless pondering because soon enough, new formations appeared. They were literal Starbursts of energies!


As with all other patterns I've seen, they were beautiful to behold and truly magnificent yet simple in design compared with the usual geometric energy codes. The immediate understanding I had of these "growing" Starbursts (that is how they feel to me) is that they are very "physical" in nature. There is a sense that major and crucial energies have adequately anchored and initiated their processes. These energies are expansive and strongly suggest some sort of growth occurring. Radiating, spreading, beaming, "doing its work". And I keep getting the word "transform" so I guess that's what they are meant to do.

(The image I've used is just a simple representation of what I saw.)

It feels like things are beginning to get very physical, in the sense that manifestation of several formerly energetic/etheric processes will start to occur. I have many assumptions and thoughts pertaining to this, but they are just that for now ~ assumptions and thoughts.

The Emeralds and Aquas are still prevalent. However, they have taken on a richer vibrance that only serves to enhance their brilliance. There are also pastel Rainbow hues presenting, much like the background of my Shine Your Light! emblem that appears on the top right panel (in website mode). If you are a former reader of The Earth Plan, you may have noticed that I have changed the emblem background from "normal" Rainbow hues to pastel shades. This was something I felt very strongly guided to do, and that's why I attended to it as soon as I could. You can imagine how thrilled I was to see these pastel Rainbow hues when I tuned in yesterday!

Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💙

24 November 2021

Revocation for Enslavement

Here is a revocation for Enslavement for anyone interested. It was shared in a private group and I feel it is very relevant for the current situation in the world right now. Unfortunately I'm unable to determine the author of this revocation. If anyone knows the source, I would appreciate if you could let me know so I can provide the proper credit, thank you.

Much Gratitude to the unknown source.

Please remember that revocations are not a one-time thing as we can unknowingly acquiesce to agreements without even being aware of its nature or process. Silence is consent, as per the legal system set up by the dark to ensure entrapment without our awareness. NO is a very powerful word indeed.

I have personally tweaked this revocation to suit my needs ~ I've appended "reject and rescind" to "revoke", for good measure. I also included "across all timelines and frequencies, realms and realities" to cover other lifetimes. I would also add "I Am Sovereign, I Am Free" at the end to complete the revocation.

Text for the revocation for those who wish to translate:

From the Divine Love that flows within my Being,

I revoke all laws, contracts and conditions that would allow another to violate my Free Will Choice to be Free and Sovereign on all levels of Consciousness.

I command that any energy directed to enslave any aspect of my Being be transmuted in the moment into Unconditional Love and returned to Creator Source to once again become a positive, productive energy.

And so it is. 


Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💜

15 November 2021

Energy Tune-In 15 November 2021

In the energy tune-in of 11 October 2021, I wrote about the energy purging that I was feeling especially keenly. The process has since intensified even more, with Air, Water, Fire and Earth Elementals playing significant roles with strong winds, flooding, fires, volcano eruptions and earthquakes taking centre-stage in the weeks that followed. 

I feel that this very dominant energy of purging will continue for some time, but it's becoming more "personal" now in the sense that the focus is shifting onto Humanity as we gear up for an immense major shift that's in the near future. I feel that this purging phase will get rough as Humanity has quite a bit of levelling up (and catching up) to do before this next shift.

Remember the "negative" Solar flaring phase that presented as the "having-contractions" chart  that I mentioned in the same 11 October 2021 energy tune-in?


This pattern had been presenting since end-August, and on-going when I wrote that update. As the last week of October approached, we started getting Solar Flares. Loads and loads and loads of them over the next two weeks. And lots of accompanying Geomagnetic Storms. We also received the second X-Class Flare of the current Solar Cycle on 28 October (the first being in July 2021) in this gift package, with the added and influential bonus of a massive Magnetic energy payload that whooshed our way. Interesting that this energy boost/cleanse/rewrite washed over the Planet through Halloween. This is a clear Cosmic announcement of what's to come in the next weeks.


On the physical plane, this no-nonsense cleansing (and activating) frenzy manifested as the usual uncoordinated clumsiness for me. I'm back to cleaning up spills, picking up things that seem to fly out of my hands, missteps, and generally feeling that my physical and energy bodies are not quite in synch. 

Additionally, time wobbles are also presenting as all this energetic re-writing/over-writing takes place ~ time-jumps, "lost" time, and generally just weird time.

Disruption of sleep cycles. 

Feeling even more disconnected from the outer reality, but being in easy alignment and harmony with our individual "bubble". 

Strong sense of Unconditional Love for Humanity.

And hello again to the internal fires that flare up frequently from within, with this phase focussing around the head area. Very uncomfortable indeed.

Until the next tune-in, Namaste and Bright Blessings! 💖💙

10 November 2021

Butterfly on the Wall

Olha Darchuk ~ Fine Art America

This post is solely my own thoughts about what's been continuously playing out in the global scene and how it is affecting every individual either directly or indirectly ~ unless one has been blissfully hibernating somewhere (something that I've wanted to do for years). I will state right now that this post has absolutely no alignment with the "official narratives" that are being parroted in unison around the world, so for anyone who is aligned to them I ask that you give this post an immediate miss.

Mu and More

After an entire year of intense fear mongering and withholding (and banning) effective early treatments, thereby resulting in massive numbers of deaths, which in turn compounded the already off-the-charts prevalent fear, the global population was successfully scared senseless (literally) and more than sufficiently primed to demand and embrace the medical "fixes" without question or doubt. 

When the Mu "va--riant" was detected, analysts found that it was resistant to "the potion" and at the rate the vi*rus was mutating, all future va--riants would also be resistant.

(I also acknowledge that some analysts insist that no va--riants exist.)

I found it interesting that this va--riant was named "Mu". It reminds me of Mu/Lemuria. And I immediately get Motherland, Divine Mother, the Mother Principle. It's like She stepped in with a message ~ but is Humanity listening?

The Great Re....Wait, What?!

The Great Re*set is a term that has been used for some years to describe the Cosmic Re-write that's occurring. When I saw it appearing in mainstream media, I actually thought people were beginning to understand what was happening until I realised that this term was hijacked in typical fashion by the dark and twisted to mean something else entirely. Silly me.

Just like the Swastika was hijacked, inverted and used as a symbol for fascism.

Just like the Rune symbol for Death was sold as a symbol for Peace and used to trick and derail the 60s Peace Movement.

Just like the 12-nodes Tree of Life which was distorted to become the 10-nodes Tree of Life.

Just like the Ascension "passport" (where one ascends in frequency to access higher dimensions) and using the concept for "health passports" to gain access to "privileges".

That's the modus operandi of the dark ~ hijack and then invert/pervert/distort existing creations to serve un-Divine anti-Life purposes.

Butterfly Flutters

The health agenda with its potion is the latest overlay created to further intensify polarisation in the Collective Consciousness. Together with politics, the degree of division now covers more people than ever before, transcending language, race, nation, culture.

I see the large majority of Humanity, including many Wayshowers, championing the potion. Juxtaposed against this are the exponentially increasing numbers of deaths (many of which are sudden and "unexpected") and seriously maimed individuals as a result of adverse effects to the potion. These two scenarios underscore the jarring disconnect that exists between the two sub-realities.

I witness the descend into fascist attitudes as people are conditioned into normalising the imposition of unthinkable apartheid practices and segregation, to the extent that school-children have no hesitance in labelling their classmates who declined the potion as "unclean and dangerous". I have also seen reports issued by Medscape (yes, I'm naming it) encouraging doctors not to treat people who choose to reject the potion. Plenty of doctors agree with this line of "thinking".

I see the swift and systemic censorship of anyone that remotely goes against the official narratives, with countless online accounts being suspended or terminated, and thousands of resources being deleted.

I view microscope images of the creatures and inorganic objects found in the potions, read about the system targetting younger and younger children, and hear medical analyses about the "ticking time-bombs" in human bodies.

To everyone now suffering adverse reactions, to everyone who lost someone after they took the potion, to everyone coerced and forced against their will to take the potion just to keep their jobs, to everyone fired because they refused, to everyone who walked out of jobs, to everyone facing discriminations, and many more.... may each be Divinely Blessed, may the way forward be eased.

I'm encouraged and buoyed by the numerous fast and furious developments that are unfolding all over the world in an effort to stem the onslaught of dark controls that have been rolled out over the past two years. Medical Professionals, Lawyers, Researchers, Activists, and everyone else with the courage and integrity to stand up, go against the machinery and say NO. People doing their best, in their own manner, to make a difference. Individuals and groups insisting on being empowered and Sovereign. Leaders of nations or independent states going against "guidelines" and  successfully looking after the health of their citizens.

I acknowledge and honour each and every single one of them. With passing time comes growing awareness.

The Horizon

Humanity voted as a Collective Consciousness ~ strongly driven by fear ~ and shouted a resounding YES for the global control system to proceed with their plans for ultimate control over the population. In the months that followed the intense global pushing of their potions, many events have manifested very openly and publicly, and in very quick succession, relatively unimpeded. Many things that were formerly hidden or unseen are rising to the surface to be witnessed by Humanity, if they choose to do so. And many have chosen to finally notice, some having to pay a regrettably heavy price through the death of a loved one or personal injury resulting from adverse reactions.

Humanity as a Collective Consciousness will have to re-vote and re-claim their Sovereignty so that they can empower themselves and choose to align with a higher timeline.

Notwithstanding morphogenetic consensus, the dissolution and dismantling of the old structures continue unabated (albeit with more obstacles), as this is the process of Cosmic rewriting and re-wiring. It has become extremely chaotic, exacerbated by Collective fear. I see the visual of the dark ferociously churning out control systems to maintain their existence and sustenance, with their AI machinery angrily seeking more sentience. And all the while simultaneously breaking down systematically.

The world is looking unreal, as opposed to surreal. It feels like a reality that is rapidly losing structure or any form of "solidity" ~ I am inclined to see this as the increasing deconstruct of the lower reality, despite how it appears "out there". Having said all this, I also acknowledge the moments when I sense the despair of enslavement, the loss of free will or the loss of control over one's own life.

Adding to the mix is the competing and conflicting intel, and it's become very loud at the moment, with each insisting their version is the truth. It is yet another manifestation of the extreme duality that is reaching its apex of influence, seemingly tearing apart the reality it is animating.

Ascension in Action

Our Planet's frequency continues to increase ~ aided by Cosmic forces ~ as she will not allow anything or anyone to stymie her progress. It is Humanity that has fallen behind by a few steps as it has allowed itself to be blind-sided and besieged by fear. Choosing Love and its various forms instead of giving in to fear and its various spawn will pull Humanity back up on a higher timeline(s?). Ascension and fear are antithetical energies to each other. All is vibration, frequency, energy.

As always, the situation is complex, multi-layered and multi-dimensional, with many questions attached. However, spiritual platitudes ring hollow in the face of so much fear and grief, with many going through very human turmoil. 

So I will just wrap up with a call to everyone reading this to call forth the Divine Christed Energies (or whatever term is used) to imbue all of Humanity, or call forth the Lilac Fire of Source or Sacred Fire of Transmutation to transmute the fear into Unconditional Love ~ higher frequencies are urgently needed to raise Humanity out of the collective fear vibration. Much Gratitude and Love to all who are guided to do so.

In closing, I will state that I have called out the above main scenarios as my symbolic gesture to expose what is being censored or suppressed. It's taken me a long time to write this post, but I'm glad it's finally done before the 11:11. Whether this portal is benevolent (opening to Cosmic energies) or malevolent (opening to dark energies) is not for me to say because I don't know that answer. What I do know is that I wanted to do my part via this post prior to the 11:11. There's more to follow, but this is all for the time being.

Namaste and Bright Blessings!  💛💙

UFOs in the Solar Space - Review for February 2025 (НЛО возле Солнца - Февраль 2025) ~ UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74 ~ 2 March 2025

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