15 September 2021

Sea of Source

Generally speaking, Creation can be represented by the following diagram:

where new worlds continue to be created across the different Levels of Creation, with our Solar System positioned at quite the far end of the creation "line".

It can also be illustrated by this:
where again, our Solar System is currently sitting restlessly in the Lower Dimensions platform as it immerses itself earnestly in its Ascension process.

There is, as a result of these representations ~ or perhaps, the representations are the result of ~ the consideration or energy of Separation from Source. That we, being at the far end of Creation, are so remote and removed from the Creator Gods and Source. I have even heard a Wayshower describe our Solar System as the Goondocks. Ouch. The concept of Original Sin being defined as our First Fall further augments the sense of Separation from Source, highlighted by both diagrams above.

However, if we look at Creation from another angle altogether, we end up with quite a different picture, one that I feel is better suited for us to comprehend our relationship with Source, Creator Gods and all other dimensions of Creation, even fallen ones like ours. I'm sure some version of the following diagram is one that we have all seen but somehow isn't quite remembered in a widespread manner:

These are Spheres of Creation, where concentric spheres nestle within one another like Russian Dolls as Creation works its way across the densities, and all contained within the infinite Sea of Source.

Yes, there we are again, at the lowest rung of density ~ Density 1 with 1D / 2D / 3D as shown in the diagram. And yes, many have said we are already in 4D ~ I believe this is true to some extent (phasing in and out between higher 3D and lower 4D) because we are already in the midst of literally "Astral Hell breaking loose". 

But for the sake of discussion, let's look at that innermost sphere with the lowest dimensions. It's enfolded by all the rest of Higher Creations, all the way back to Creator Gods. It's an integral part of all the other Spheres of Creations, it's an integral part of Creator Gods. Most significantly and most importantly, it's an integral part of Source, as with all the rest of the Spheres of Creations.

We have fallen so much in density, down down down to the lowest possible dimension for humans. But looking at it from the representation of the Spheres, we have never been separated from Source, we are not at some far-flung forgotten corner, far removed from all things Divine. Instead, the low density and our low frequency render it more challenging to remember, to connect, to feel a sense of belonging.  

It is sometimes gut-wrenching to know that our Planet and Humanity have come to this point due to Fall after Fall after Fall. This fate is one that our Planet had to endure at the hands of beings that should have known better but were too disconnected or did not wish to remember. It is this memory or knowledge of a previous Divine existence that I believe has motivated so many to hold the immense Love for our Planet, carry out Planetary work,  and to be the cheer squad as she ascends.

OK that was a teeny bit of detour there 😁 I wish to keep this short, so I'll start wrapping up. The diagram is quite illustrative, so no need for me to elaborate further. I believe that this orientation of looking at Creation will make some difference in how we view our connection with the rest of Creation, and indeed, with our Divine Self and Source.

And from the interpretation of the diagram, all I have left to say is....

Source isn't in us.... We are in Source.

Namaste and Loving Blessings! 💛💙


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