07 April 2022

The Silence....It's Deafening


* Names and certain terms have been replaced by code-words, for obvious reasons.

In early March 2022, a major potion-maker released the first tranche of their massive safety data as a result of a court order by a judge who deserves due thanks from truth-seekers all over the world. The US agency connected to the data had earlier claimed that they required 55 years to roll out the data at a pace of 500 pages per month ~ they were instead told to release 55,000 pages each month.


The reports so far covered the period from December 2020 to February 2021, a mere three months. And yet, the data collected in this short period of time paints a truly alarming picture. Those who have followed the research and information of a small group of dedicated (and REAL) doctors will not be totally shocked by the results presented in the safety data ~ they may instead, as I do, feel extremely exasperated by the deafening silence from mass media and "health authorities" that has ensued following this data dump. 

This continuing mass deception of the public ~ fuelled by some of the population's tendency to be blinkered from such developments ~ makes me feel even more disconnected from the external world stage. It is both bewildering and disturbing to observe. I have to constantly remind myself that more are becoming aware as the days go by, and this is encouragement indeed.

The second tranche was released early April, and I will be on the lookout for more analysis of the data. Meanwhile, here are two videos to view for those interested:

Dr Been analyses the first tranche and is rightly exasperated with its generally misleading conclusions.

Dr Campbell, previously a proponent of the potion, loses faith in the "authorities" after perusing the data.

Both experts note the redacted information for the number of doses shipped out. 

Namaste and Bright Blessings ~ deep Gratitude to all who unceasingly quest for Truth 💙 

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